Work Packages


WP 1: Methodological framework development
  • To review current methodology for personal exposure assessment to health and wellbeing stressors
  • To assess the latest advances in external sensor technologies and geo-referenced systems and to define the external exposure at individual level taking into account the socio-economic status (SES)
  • To review modelling tools to assess the influence of main determinants on urban health and wellbeing
  • To review methods for endogenous exposure approaches for estimating health effects
  • To facilitate scientific knowledge and data exchange with and between stakeholders through networking
  • To develop the URBANOME methodological approach and to present it to city stakeholders
WP 2: Urban leaving labs for participatory planning and interventions
  • To develop sustainable ULLs to engage the quadruple helix and enhance citizens participation in nine European cities to increase their awareness and co-develop sustainable and healthy lifestyles.
  • To compile and critically analyse experiences of urban health and wellbeing, within the context of each ULL.
  • To facilitate transnational discussion and debate of initiatives to improve urban health and wellbeing, including study and debate of methods, approaches and models.
  • To collect data from the living labs, which can feed into subsequent WPs.
  • To foster sustainable interventions and design smart solutions to reduce exposure to environmental stressors such as air pollution or noise.
  • To develop 3R´s actions (reduce, recycle and reuse) to alleviate the environmental health burden of urban waste
  • To perform pilot activities for developing and implementing the URBANOME interventions in the nine ULLs


The objectives will be achieved through:

  • Case study compilation (desk and field research)
  • Living lab expert workshops
  • Production of protocols for the improvement of urban health and wellbeing
WP 3: Development of big data ecosystem
  • To fuse information and enable comparison/integration of data by using common ontologies
  • To provide a visualization and analytical toolset for the collected big data
  • To provide applications helping to improve health and wellbeing and therefore life quality of urban citizens
WP 4: Exposure analysis focusing on patterns of socio-spatial environmental inequality
  • To collect data about personal exposure to air pollutants and noise among different population groups including socioeconomic status and environmental inequalities.
  • To calibrate and validate the low-cost sensor devices to assess indoor and ambient air exposure.
  • To provide ready-to-use models for exposure modelling on the personal and population level that accounts for different socio-economic factors
WP 5: Assessment of physical and mental health and sleep quality
  • To assess main non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by using an objective exhaustive evaluation framework
  • To identify risk factor of the urban setting related to NCDs
  • To estimate the global impact of living in a city on individuals’ health by considering NCDs
  • To provide prognostic markers regarding the effect of environmental stressors in NCDs
WP 6: Assessment of personalised interventions and proposed policies
  • To perform integrated risk assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of selected personalised interventions
  • To perform integrated risk assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed policy options
  • To assess cost-efficiency/effectiveness of proposed interventions
WP 7: Innovative and co-creation governance: Targeted policy development and implementation
  • To determine the governance architectures – governing structures and cultures – of cities managing environmental problems with health effects and linked social equality
  • To improve implementation through novel and cross-sectorial forms of governance
  • To develop generic and context sensitive policy approaches and procedures that effectively integrate environment and air quality, physical and mental health and social equality
  • To develop a framework for determining the integrated cost-effectiveness of policies targeting health, environmental risks and social equality for specific population groups
  • To enhance urban governance capacity through adaptive governance with citizen and stakeholder engagement
WP 8: Evidence-based feedback to the policy makers
  • To provide precision prevention strategies
  • To derive policy recommendations on how to develop smart and green cities
  • To evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness and feasibility of proposed interventions/measures and policy actions
WP 9: Communication, dissemination, training and exploitation
  • To organize an efficient transfer of the results of the project to the scientific community, stakeholders and general audience
  • To set up focused dissemination and communication strategies aiming the public in the participating ULLs and countries
  • To provide a two-way link between users in the scientific and policy communities and the project
  • To plan and verify the exploitation potential added value during and beyond the end of the project progress
  • To structure a Sustainability plan of the main output of the project towards wider adoption
  • To develop a business plan for the project main tangible outcome and business models, including cost-benefit & cost effectiveness analysis, for all project exploitable foreground.
  • To prepare the ground for the commercial spin-offs
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